
From the Pastor: 
Sign up! For our Church-Wide Pizza Fellowship Sunday, February 23rd. We will meet in the fellowship hall at 6:00 pm. Come join us for this special time together. Bring a dessert, if you can.

Coming soon! The lights in the auditorium will be replaced. We are scheduled for the weekend of March 7th. It's a big project, and a lot of planning. Thank you for your patience.

In our Sunday evening service we will continue our "Heroes of the Faith" series. We can learn much about faith from this study! Why don't you try to make Sunday evenings a habit in 2025!

  • February 2: Tim Werner
  • February 4: Eddie Harrison, Corvin Wise
  • February 5: Paul Schriever
  • February 11: Tom Swingle
  • February 16: Sissy Wise
  • February 20: Charles Adams, Hollie Werner
  • February 21: Esther Cooley, Charity Robinson
  • February 22: Tina Johnson
  • February 27: Debbie Dutton
  • February 28: Randall Kealer, Tonya Pendleton

    Parking Lot Duty
  • February 15: Randall Kealer
  • February 22: Sammy Brinson, Paul Schriever
  • March 1: Eddie Harrison

    Upcoming Schedule and Event
  • February-March: Awana Manna Food Bank Collection
  • February-May: Awana Clubs Every Wednesday
  • February 12: Awana "Heart for Jesus" Theme Night
  • February 14: Valentine's Day
  • February 20: Ladies Fellowship (Taylor's Breakfast & Lunch, 11:30 am)
  • February 23: Church Pizza Fellowship Night (6:00 pm -Sign up!)
  • March 2: Missionary Rick Anderson (PM Service)
  • March 9: Daylight Saving Time Begins!
  • March 20: Spring Begins!
  • March 26: Awana "Spaghetti" Fundraiser

Weekly Bulletin